Ram Prasad's Most Enjoyed

An Ongoing Compilation of Most Enjoyed
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May the whole world enjoy the pleasures that I have enjoyed -- (Thirukkural)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Abuelita -- Mexican Hot Chocolate Drink

Here's something that I've been enjoying for well over a year, but I am not sure if a lot of others know about it, and hence the post.

I first had this rich chocolate-and-cinammon drink in the town of Oaxaca, in Mexico. That region produces caca0 and the night before, we'd seen the demonstrations of the mills in the li
ttle shops where they mixed and ground the cocoa with sticks of cinammon and sugar to create vats of the hot drink mix. The next morning, we stepped into a cafe and ordered a cup of hot chocolate instead of our usual coffee. It was a bit pricey (Starbuck's price) especially when contrasted with everything else in town being so very inexpensive. I'd loved the taste of the drink.

After returning to Chicago, in a Hispanic-owned store where we buy our fresh produce, I caught sight of the distictive yello
w hexagonal box of Abuelita. It seemed like what I'd had in Oaxaca and I bought it to give it a try. I've been buying it ever since. The box contains six discs (tablets) and each disc is good for 3-4 cups of the drink, when dissolved in hot milk. The right way to make it is to put it all in a blender/mixer, but I find that a spoon works too. (The interesting thing is that these boxes must've been there in the store all these years, but only after that trip did I notice them and see how widely available they were.)

When it's around 10 in the night and dinner has long been digested, but I am not yet ready for bed, and coffee seems too strong, I make myself a cup of Nestle's Abuelita. It's perfect to overcome the 10 p.m. slump. If you are a chocolate drink lover, you should give this product a try. Do leave a comment if you end up trying it. Does anyone know if the drink is available in India?

Category: Food

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