Ram Prasad's Most Enjoyed

An Ongoing Compilation of Most Enjoyed
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May the whole world enjoy the pleasures that I have enjoyed -- (Thirukkural)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Amazing Journey: The Story of Who

This weekend, I watched this newly released DVD documentary and wanted to recommend it to any and all fans of classic rock. Though I own a few of the group’s albums, it is embarrassing how little I really knew of their back story. I was introduced to The Who while in college. All I knew until recently was that this basically was a Pete Townshend group, and that he made a show of breaking guitars onstage.

This DVD helped me see and understand a lot more. I didn’t realize that the other three were such key players each in their own way. Roger Daltrey (the singer) explains and elaborates on the history as well as the thinking behind what was happening. To me, the biggest surprise was how down to earth and articulate Pete Townshend is. The DVD did a pretty good job of summarizing 40 tumultuous years, which couldn’t have been an easy task.

Particularly eye-opening was the fact that even after listening to My Generation several dozen times, I hadn’t paid any notice to the use of stuttering as a stylistic device. Also, I noticed the bass solo by John Entwistle only when a number of people in the film sang its praises. (There’s got to be a big market in music appreciation classes for people like me who are essentially musically ignorant.)

Anyway, if you like Classic Rock and are able to get hold of a copy and watch the film, I feel it would be an evening well spent, and one that is sure to be full of nostalgia.


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