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Monday, November 21, 2005

Book: The Search by John Battelle
Subtitle: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture

I have increasingly become a Google fan (of the company, not just the search engine). So I eagerly looked forward to reading the book. Suffice to say that it doesn't disappoint. Many of you are sure to think that this is a rather dry subject. However, I request you to give a chapter or two a try and to then decide for yourself.
It is especially those who don't know all that much about Search who should read this book. There is a revolution happening, and John is the guide who points it out to us.

The book is worth it simply for all the other references that you will pick up. John does a great job of conveying the sense of how we are merely at the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Interesting personalities abound as do several neat anecdotes.

Two things I particularly liked: Battelle, who is clearly an expert on search writes like "one of us," and that makes the reading smooth. Also, what I thought would be nonstop Googlepraise turned out not to be the case. I appreciate the author's attempt at balance.

Finally, here's the Author's Blog. You will surely find a thing or two of value there. I know I did.

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