Ram Prasad's Most Enjoyed

An Ongoing Compilation of Most Enjoyed
Places, Books, Movies, Experiences, Activities, and Moments

May the whole world enjoy the pleasures that I have enjoyed -- (Thirukkural)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Niafunke - Ali Furka Toure - Most Enjoyed Music

Ali Furka Toure (1999)

I sometimes get nostalgic for places I haven't even been to. I listened to this album for the first time, read the CD liner notes, looked at the sepia-toned pictures and it happened again.

That was enough to make me want to hop on a flight to Bamako, (that'd be 3 flights from here really) then rent a Jeep and drive into the Mali shrubs looking for the village of Niafunke and this brick "studio." Instead, I listened to the wonderful music that Ali Furka produces.

Powerful, considering that this CD is my introduction to Toure's music, though I have heard his name and a song or two in NPR's Passport or similar programs. From the CD notes, I learned that Toure toured the West and then went back to his village to cultivate rice.

I loved the music and hope to learn to appreciate it more with repeated listenings. I admit that I am no music expert. When I listen to this collection, especially at the start of many songs, there are evocations reminiscent to me of Indian music (echoes of his Islamic influence perhaps). If you get a chance, do try this CD.

Ali Furka Toure, Niafunke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Talking timbouctou" is also an amazing album Ali Toure produced with Ry Cooder. I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Toure while traveling in Mali, actually in Timbouctou. He is truly an amazing man, so kindhearted and gentle. You can tell in his eyes that he has an inner peace so few will ever gain. I talk of him in the present although he died about a year ago. I was at work when I heard of it on NPR and could not help but weep. If you get a chance, listen to more of his music and of course visit Mali, you won't regret it!

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